How to use Pink Quartz in modern litho-therapy?

Pink Quartz, part of the Quartz family, is a semi-precious stone formed of Silicon dioxide. Its soft pale pink color is the result of the many miniscule inclusions of pink fibers. These fibers keep the mineral from being totally transparent, as well as keeping it from getting irradiated. Pink Quartz should be kept away from the sun in order to protect it from losing its beautiful shade. Due to its hexagonal crystalline structure, this stone generally forms a large specimen; however, it occasionally develops smaller and prismatic clusters. Many people prefer this stone in the contemporary litho-therapy domain thanks to its numerous benefits. 

Love and self-acceptance

Pink Quartz allows you to be in contact with your basic personality. This would allow you to better know your true self and appreciate all its beauty. It can also allow you to communicate internally with your spiritual guides. You may or may not be aware of it, but they all do teach you the same lessons. Pink Quartz is an ideal stone for people who find trouble loving themselves or even receiving love because they think they are unworthy of getting it. 

Unleashing the heart’s chakra

Experts of modern litho-therapy highly recommend this semi-precious stone for those who encounter sentimental troubles. It facilitates opening up the heart in order to allow you to give and receive love. This crystal counters the negative influences. This stone is great in treating emotional problems. It helps people in being able to have self-love and face heart breaks. Pink Quartz is also effective for getting rid of childhood trauma, negligence, and lack of love

Other benefits

Another importance of this stone is that it is a maternal crystal. In fact, it is a source of comforting inspiration if one has lost his own mother. It helps in establishing links and can be benefiting to lay the stone on the woman’s belly during pregnancy, or even bringing it along to the hospital during delivery. It is an incredible sleep enhancing crystal for both adults and children. It allows you to have sweet dreams while avoiding nightmares and nocturne terrors. It also helps kids to overcome the fear of the dark. In litho-therapy, Pink Quartz is often recommended to people who wish to be soothed and reassured. It makes a perfect choice to rise against trauma and various anxiety attacks. 
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