The particularity and spiritual benefit of Aventurine

Aventurine is a stone belonging to the great Quartz family, and is very popular in litho-therapy. With its glassy sheen, this beautiful mineral abounds multiple benefits which are often unknown to the grand public. Find out below all the particularities of the renowned “stone of luck”, as well as its spiritual virtues. 


Although this stone has been known and used for centuries, the name Aventurine is a very recent one. This name was attributed to it with reference to a synthetic crystal called “aventurine glass”. The latter is of high resemblance to the natural stone, whose origins date back to the 1700s. According to history, an Italian glass specialist has allegedly poured copper filings on top of a molten crystal. The mixture produced from this “accident” produced some kind of iridescent glass: aventurine glass. The name of the stone would then come from the Italian expression “Per aventura”, which translates to “random”. With years going by, this natural stone has been referred to with many names, such as “Prase” which originates from the Greek language and translates to “leek” in English. This name particularly refers to the stone’s green color. Four thousand years ago, China was the first to ever use this stone as a talisman or in the form of an elixir. During those times, this mineral was associated to the goddess Guanyin Pusa, empress of pity, love, and compassion. Thus, it was mainly used for protection against evil powers and to find love. A few millennia later, the time for the Incas to discover the beneficial properties of the stone has come. They would use it as a talisman in order to attract richness and good luck. As for the Tibetans, they used this stone to prevent and treat certain diseases such as myopia and other sight-related illnesses. 

Origins and characteristics of the stone

The Aventurine stone originates from magmatic and metamorphic stones, being part of the Quartz category. It has multiple similarities to the Quartz except for the hardness, which is slightly inferior.  Although it is easily recognizable, the Aventurine stone is often confused with jade, malachite, emerald, or agate; in fact, it has been called for a long time “Indian jade”. Its main feature consists of glossy inclusions which do not have color bands, in contrary to the previously cited stones. There is a large variety of these stones and they all differ in the type of available inclusions. These subtle differences largely influence the mineral’s color, of course, which may be green, brown, red, and rarely blue. In the case where the inclusions are composed of micas and hematite, the stone’s color shifts towards red-brown shades. Fuchsite and muscovite inclusions grant a green color, which is a widely spread variety. As for the blue stones, which are way much rarer, they contain dumortierite inclusions. The deposits are found all over the world, but in some sites it can be more abundant than in others. They are mainly found in Asia (India and China), South America particularly Brazil, but also in Europe. It can be found in Spain, Austria, Russia, and even in France, precisely in Nantes where veins of brown varieties can be found. 

A stone of good luck and protection

The green Aventurine, which is often associated with good luck, helps its holder to perceive the many available opportunities. It has a great influence on the instinct, but also on optimism, which grants him to attract good luck. This stone, which is of daily use, promotes success whether on a financial, sentimental, or professional level. Those who carry green Aventurine around have greater chances of reaching their objectives without even making the biggest effort.  In addition, this mineral has the ability to ward off negative waves and energies, which make it an efficient protective stone. It is able to absorb evil and all other elements suspicious of harming the well-being, just like a sponge. During everyday life, the Aventurine stone protects its wearer from different sorts of hazards and helps him/her to go around these obstacles. It is also a formidable ally against electrostatic waves presenting a danger to humans. In addition, it protects the holder from the harmful effects of mobile phones, television, computers, and even Wi-Fi. This stone, which is also known as the stone of prosperity, soothes troubled souls in order to re-establish a certain energy equilibrium. Thus, it eliminates all negative or hesitating thoughts in order to help taking better decisions even in difficult situations. 

A stone linked to the heart’s chakra

The green Aventurine, which is directly linked to the heart’s chakra, acts on feelings, especially love, in order to harmonize it. It facilitates opening-up the heart and promotes an ideal love life when combined with pink Quartz. In many cases, those who are in search for love can use this stone in order to find their soul mates and have a pure and lasting relationship. Since this stone chases away negative energies, it would therefore boost its owner’s optimism and joy of living. On the other hand, green Aventurine helps getting a better vision on life and to acknowledge others. It enhances the comprehension and the listening skills in order to have a much more altruistic vision of the world. In addition, it provides its wearer with the necessary energy to put a situation into perspective and restart on a good basis. From a psychological point of view, this stone enhances personal work, which is a major asset for self-confidence and self-esteem. The energy stored within the stone encourages the owner to surpass his abilities and enhance himself. Its soothing power gives it the ability to manage stress, nervousness, and to guarantee a better self-control.  On the emotional level, this mineral helps surpassing all types of difficulties through restoring cheerfulness and good mood. It is the ideal stone to rise against love-related disappointment, loss of a loved one, or to face failure.

Other litho-therapeutic virtues

On top of its spiritual virtues, green Aventurine has numerous positive effects on the body, specifically the skin. When it is ingested as elixir, the stone helps eliminating impurities and acne. In addition, it combats “problematic skins” and grants a much fresher skin tone. Its high Silicon content makes it an outstanding wound healer; it should be used in the form of a compress pad and should be applied locally on the wound.  Those suffering from heart problems can make benefit of this stone’s abilities to provide a natural treatment. In fact, it is endowed with soothing properties which affect physical discomforts as much as psychological ones. In order to make complete benefit of it, you should just rest it on your chest, right on top of your heart. This stone can relieve pregnancy related pain, or even those due to the pushing of teeth for infants. The green Aventurine, which is a very effective anti-stress, fights against insomnia and the effects of lack of sleep on the human body. It also provides physical vitality and dynamism, which are essential for the proper functioning of the organism.
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